My Key Real Estate

Preferred Lender Brian Decker from Loan Depot

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Brian Decker is a Senior VP of Mortgage Lending for Loan Depot. In 2016 he finished in the Top 20 in the U.S (out of over 500,000 loan officers) for closed mortgage loans. His constant dedication to a transparent and ethical lending process are just a few of the reasons he was named One of the Top 10 Mortgage Professionals in the United States for the impact he is having on the mortgage industry. “I moved to the Temecula Valley in 1991 and have watched San Diego to Corona grow dramatically over the years. I am very lucky to have the privilege of raising my own family here today, so I know and follow the local markets closely. I take great pride in providing my client with the best loan programs at the lowest rates. This is one of the most important transactions you will ever make and I look forward to BUILDING LIFETIME RELATIONSHIPS ONE CLOSED LOAN AT A TIME!”

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